Energy is everything

Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment: A Mirror That Reflects Your World

Maybe you’ve taken personality tests? Well, now it’s time for an attitudinal assessment.

You’re probably familiar with personality tests like Myers Briggs, DiSC, and Enneagram. These valuable tools can help you understand your strengths, embrace your weaknesses, and discover how you can work to your full potential. In that way, they typically support a “work with what you have” approach to adapting your behavior and pursuing personal excellence.

The ELI, on the other hand, is an attitudinal assessment tool that captures how an individual currently perceives and approaches work and life.

With the awareness and insights gained through the Energy Leadership Index debrief, clients have the opportunity to reshape their attitudes and worldview and “transform who they are.”

The Energy Leadership™ Index (E.L.I.) is a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables leaders to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities. The E.L.I. forms the initial launching point for the Energy Leadership Development System, helping give you a baseline for your current performance and situation. Whether you proceed through the full system or not, the realizations that you’ll gain from the Energy Leadership assessment and debrief process alone will change the way you view your world.

Background: An Attitudinal Assessment
There are two main types of assessments: Personality and Attitudinal. Personality based assessments, such as Myers Briggs and D.I.S.C. are very valuable tools that pinpoint certain personality types so that people can have more of an understanding about what their strengths and weaknesses are. By understanding your personality and how it relates to what you do, you can adapt your behavior to “work with what you have,” to function effectively.

The E.L.I. is an attitudinal assessment, which is based on an energy/action model. This assessment differs from personality assessments as it is not intended to label a person and have them work well within that label. Instead, it measures your level of energy based on your attitude, or perception and perspective of your world. Because attitude is subjective, it can be altered. By working with a coach using the E.L.I., you can alter your attitude and perspective, make a shift in your consciousness, and increase your energy and leadership effectiveness.

There are no limits as to the potential growth that you can achieve. Once you realize that your level of consciousness is directly related to your actions, you can move from functioning effectively, to functioning optimally.

As part of the Energy Leadership Index assessment and debrief process, you’ll learn about the 7 levels of leadership and how much energy you currently have in the catabolic-suppressing range and in the anabolic-inspirational range. You’ll be debriefed on the findings of the assessment, and coached on how to navigate yourself to higher performance. Energy is everything

The life-changing ELI assessment checks all the boxes! If you’re interested in finding out what’s holding you back from creating your ideal life, contact me today.

After taking the online assessment, we’ll spend 90 (magical!) minutes together where I’ll essentially hold a “mirror” to your perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs—highlighting opportunities to create more of the life you want (and come up with concrete strategies to actually get you there!)

Contact me to schedule your ELI, and together we will boost your effectiveness as a leader, partner, parent, and communicator so that you can show up as your best self!

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