I am so glad you’re here and I cannot wait to be on this journey with you!
As I was sitting here working on this website, my little one was sitting near by rambling on about this and that as little ones are wont to do. But, I caught something about how he wondered what his spirit animal might be, and as I wondered too, we set about to find out.
We learned that you can take a quiz and determine your spirit animal without having to wait for dreams and visions. Pretty great!
Mine, as it turns out, is the butterfly. This is symbolic of change and transformation. While I wasn’t really sure what my spirit animal would be, I didn’t really think “butterfly.” Honestly, I was thinking “bumblebee” (stay tuned for an explanation of that one…). It seems so cliche in the world of personal development to say that my spirit animal is the butterfly. But, I guess you can’t fight the spirits.
So, butterfly it is.
And, butterfly is actually perfect because transformation and transition are exactly what I was looking for when I started my journey to health and well-being, and helping my clients find their own powerful transformation is what I do.
Like the caterpillar heading into the chrysalis and coming out reborn, renewed, and ready we do that too when we give ourselves the space and time to grow, learn, and rejuvenate.
It takes patience and hard work, but we can do this. We can emerge and take on the world in our new state. Are you ready?
“Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.” ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne